Need God to update your desires?

Need God to update your desires?

Introduction I have been stuck on two sentences in Philippians all week. Philippians 2:12-13 NLT – Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do...
Limitless Reality

Limitless Reality

Introduction It was prophetic when we changed our name to NoLimits Church in 2016. The Lord changed our name because He wanted us to align with what we were to become by speaking it over and over. There are many examples in scripture of God giving someone a new name....
Become 10X More Capable

Become 10X More Capable

Introduction The book of Daniel in the Old Testament is surprisingly relatable to where we are today. The entire book centers around Daniel and his three friends living in a secular culture without being defiled by it. At every turn, the Babylonian culture tried to...
Restoring True Love

Restoring True Love

Introduction Love. What a loaded word. We throw it around haphazardly without understanding its power. We act so confident in our understanding of love, yet we know so little about it. We are so bombarded with Satan’s counterfeit love that it has become a stronghold....
Remember / The Lord’s Coming

Remember / The Lord’s Coming

Introduction This past Friday, Beth and I were in Branson celebrating our 16 year anniversary. I still remember the moment the Lord revealed to me, at 18 years old, that Beth was to be my wife. He revealed it to me through a dream. I saw her walking down the aisle in...