New Book: God’s End Time Wealth Transfer

Restoring True Love

Restoring True Love

Introduction Love. What a loaded word. We throw it around haphazardly without understanding its power. We act so confident in our understanding of love, yet we know so little about it. We are so bombarded with Satan’s counterfeit love that it has become a stronghold....
Remember / The Lord’s Coming

Remember / The Lord’s Coming

Introduction This past Friday, Beth and I were in Branson celebrating our 16 year anniversary. I still remember the moment the Lord revealed to me, at 18 years old, that Beth was to be my wife. He revealed it to me through a dream. I saw her walking down the aisle in...
Healing the Deformed Church

Healing the Deformed Church

Introduction This past Thursday, I had a very vivid dream I am going to share with you. But first, let me demystify dreams for you. Dreams belong to the Lord. He loves to communicate with us through dreams and visions. How do I know this? In scripture, dreams and...
Your Calling Revealed

Your Calling Revealed

Introduction Turn with me to Luke chapter eight. We are going to study most of the chapter today. I will be reading out of the New Living Translation. It’s rare to read this much scripture in church services these days. We’ve become accustomed to a half-hour...