New Book: God’s End Time Wealth Transfer

Seedtime & Harvest

Seedtime & Harvest

It’s important to be a good sower and a good reaper. God wants you to joyfully receive just as much as he wants you to joyfully give. Where you have planted seed, a harvest will happen. In this message, Darla Bell helps you increase your faith in God’s...
Power For Miracles, Wealth, & Influence

Power For Miracles, Wealth, & Influence

Introduction Did you uncover any hidden unbelief during our ten days of prayer and fasting? Three disguises of unbelief were revealed to me: timidity, restlessness, and playing defense. All three of these are unbelief hiding under a disguise. Let’s hone in on...
Your Life Without Jesus

Your Life Without Jesus

Introduction We are all in danger of putting our faith in ourselves. We live a pretty good life. We’re here in America, living a blessed life, working hard, raising families, and even going to church. We have every version of the Bible on our phones. We know how to...
Fasting To Cure Hidden Unbelief

Fasting To Cure Hidden Unbelief

Introduction Tuesday begins our ten days of prayer and fasting as a church. We are not doing this as some kind of religious ritual. There is a divine purpose that drives our commitment to pray and fast. NoLimits Church is called by God to make Owasso a safe haven...