Join Us Sunday
at 10:30am
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Every Sunday,
the presence of
God shows up.
Healing manifests.
Prophecy is released.
Deliverance happens.
Truth is unhindered.
Hungry for answers from God?
Join us this Sunday.
What to Expect
Walking into a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. But we want your experience to be a good one.
How long is a NoLimits worship gathering?
Our Sunday service is about an hour and a half.
Services begin with our worship band leading the church in about three songs. After the music portion of the service is complete, one of our pastors will share a message from God’s Word to equip you to make a difference for the kingdom of God.
What’s it like at NoLimits?
You’ll find us casual, relaxed and easy to talk to. Don’t worry about putting on your “church clothes”. Simply come and be yourself.
What about my kids?
We are passionate about bringing families back together. In a culture where kids are often pushed aside, we welcome them into the main service so we can grow in God as one united family.
This might make you nervous, but don’t worry about the noise. We believe kids are a blessing, not an interruption. Optionally, nursery is available for babies and nursing moms, up to three years old.
Joining us for the first time?
Let us know you are coming so we can give you the VIP treatment. We can’t wait to meet you!
Recent Messages
False prophet! How to spot ’em
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Misconception of Rich Christianity
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How to “Fan the Flame”
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