Confidence In God’s Protection

Confidence In God’s Protection

Last week, we talked about the unwanted end-time promise of persecution and troubles. We would rather God shield us from these things, but He allows them for a reason. If the Lord is not rescuing you from your trouble, it’s because you are going to learn how to...
The Unwanted Promise

The Unwanted Promise

Recap Last week, we talked about the end-time wealth transfer. God is going to shift the wealth of the world into the hands of those who are advancing the Kingdom of God in these last days. Two weeks ago, the Lord gave us a prophetic word to make sure we are...
End Time Wealth Transfer

End Time Wealth Transfer

I am kicking off a new series today called End Time Promises. But, before we get into that, I need to be obedient to something the Lord led me to address today. Our church is in a season where God is putting all the puzzle pieces together. He is drawing people here...