NoLimits Church Owasso

The Manifest Goodness of God

This is the year of the manifest goodness of God.

We will see God’s goodness working in our lives in ways we could have never imagined. There will be so many great testimonies that we won’t be able to document them all.

It has already begun. Throughout the month of December, we heard several amazing testimonies. And we didn’t even get to them all!

You should be so excited that you are part of this church. I know I am. What we experience here this year will not be what every church experiences. This is reserved for faithful followers of Christ.

This is not for the woke church, the compromising church, or the lukewarm church. This manifestation of the goodness of God is for the faithful church. That’s us!

Let’s revisit how the Holy Spirit revealed this to us through a tongue and interpretation just a few weeks ago:

“Watch and see. I come in like a flood. You cannot contain my goodness. You cannot contain my glory. But I am preparing you. I am emptying you out like a vessel. I am emptying you out so I can put more in. More of Me. Watch and see. The things you have already heard are just the beginning of My goodness. Overflow is coming to you. Yes, you. The one who thought it wasn’t for you, it’s for you. So receive it. And it’s not just you. It starts with you.”

So much of God’s goodness will hit NoLimits Church that we won’t be able to contain it. It will overflow onto everyone around us.

People will come from all over to be a part of what God is doing here. They will get a taste of the overflow and have to come to find out for themselves what is going on here.

We already can’t contain the number of people that want to join us every Sunday. But don’t worry about that. God has a solution, and He will reveal it at just the right time.

In the meantime, enjoy snuggling with each other. And make the most of the overflow room if that’s where you end up. The Holy Spirit permeates this entire building every time we are here.

Scripture of the Year

Now, let me show you the scripture that will guide us this year. This is the scripture of the year, so be sure to jot down the reference so you can refer back to it often.

Psalms 145:5-7 NLT - I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

This year, everyone will share stories of God’s goodness. Everyone! Even the one who thought it wasn’t for you, it’s for you. God’s goodness is coming after you.

We have stories of God’s goodness that need to be shared today. If that’s you, get ready because I will give you an opportunity to share what God is doing in your life here in a bit.

But first, I want to help deepen your understanding of God’s goodness. It’s much more than you think.

God’s Goodness Explained

Ephesians breaks it down for us:

Ephesians 1:7-8 CSB - In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.

God’s goodness begins with redemption.

Through Christ, He forgives us. And not only that, but He frees us from sin.

We are not only released from the penalty of sin - we are released from the bondage of sin! We are no longer slaves to sin. We are children of God! We are the righteousness of Christ!

This is why not every church is going to experience the manifest goodness of God this year. Because God’s goodness begins with redemption. Yet, many churches are preaching tolerance instead.

Tolerance and redemption are opposites. If a church is being trained to tolerate sin, in the process, they forsake redemption. There may be forgiveness, but there is no freedom.

Interestingly, the word ‘goodness’ in the New Testament is synonymous with ‘moral excellence’. You will not experience the goodness of God if you are not walking in His righteousness.

And you cannot walk in His righteousness if you don’t believe that Jesus freed you from sin.

If you believe the woke gospel that Jesus forgives you and understands if you continue to sin, you are going to be miserable. Because that’s not what the Word of God teaches us.

The tolerance message is the false gospel. It is not the teaching of Christ. It is the teaching of the antichrist.

Here’s what the Word of God says:

Romans 6:6-7 NLT - We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin.

We will experience the manifest goodness of God this year at NoLimits Church because we believe this and teach this. The goodness of God begins with redemption.

Now let’s head back to Ephesians for the next thing we learn about the goodness of God.

Ephesians 1:7-8 CSB - In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding.

God’s goodness is grace, wisdom, and understanding being made manifest in your life.

That’s what we can expect this year. Lots of grace, wisdom, and understanding.

God’s Goodness = Grace Manifested

Grace brings you joy and pleasure. It makes you kind.

Grace activates the power of God to protect you and strengthen you.

Grace enables you to live a holy life.

You know God’s grace is working when you handle challenges with ease and remain strong in your faith no matter what’s going on.

How many want an overflow of God’s grace this year?

God’s Goodness = Wisdom Manifested

Wisdom is God’s supreme intelligence being made known to you.

God’s wisdom helps you understand diverse matters. It enables you to interpret dreams and understand the meaning of visions. It enables you to give wise advice to others.

God’s wisdom makes you the most skilled person at work. It enables you to impart Christian truth to those who are not yet disciples of Christ.

God’s wisdom makes it to where there is no problem you cannot solve. Financial problem? God knows the answer, and He will make it known to you. Relationship problem? God’s wisdom will help you solve it.

How many want an overflow of God’s wisdom this year?

God’s Goodness = Understanding Manifested

At first glance, you might think that wisdom and understanding are synonymous. But they are not. Dig into the original language, and you’ll find the word “understanding” means this:

Understanding - Knowledge and holy love of the will of God.

At some point in our lives, everyone has said, “I just want to know the will of God in this situation.”

Should I take this job and move my family? Should I start a business? Should I buy that car? That house? Should I marry so and so? Should we have more kids?

What if the will of God was made known in every area of your life? That’s what we can expect this year.

God’s goodness includes His will to be made known to us. And not only that, but we will develop a holy love for the will of God. Even if it’s something we normally wouldn’t want to do, we will pursue the will of God with great joy.

How many want to know and love the will of God in every situation?

This is the year of the manifest goodness of God.

Grace, wisdom, and understanding will overflow in all of us. Everyone will share stories of the wonderful goodness of God.

And it has already begun. Who wants to come and share about the goodness of God already being made manifest in your life?

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NoLimits Church Owasso

Sundays at 10:30am

403 W 2nd Ave, Owasso, OK 74055

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