Not Obligated to Tithe

Not Obligated to Tithe

Can you believe we’ve made it eight weeks into a series about money –  at church –  and have yet to talk about tithing or generosity? I mean, seriously, what kind of pastor am I? So far, I’ve been working to establish the fact that God wants you to...
Not Obligated to Tithe

How Identity Affects Wealth

The bottom line is, God wants you to prosper. Here’s what I mean when I talk about prosperity: Godly Prosperity – More than enough for my family plus an overflow to accomplish everything God asks me to do. Now, let me show you in scripture: II Corinthians 9:8...
Not Obligated to Tithe

Trust and Provision

This series is all about living in God Privilege. We’re learning how to live in the promises of God and focusing on three of them: wealth, health, and protection. So far, we’ve been talking about God’s promise of wealth. And we’ve discovered that it is about more than...
Not Obligated to Tithe

Divine Multiplication

This series is all about living in God Privilege. We’re learning how to live in the promises of God and focusing on three of them: wealth, health, and protection. For the past two weeks, we’ve been talking about God’s promise of wealth. And we’ve discovered that it is...