Rich Towards God

Rich Towards God

We are wrapping up the series today. And if you’ve been here for parts 1-3, you’ll recognize this scripture I am about to share. If you missed any of them, you can listen to them here: Part 1: Think Right, Do Right Part 2: Finding Your Why Part 3: Rich in Good Deeds...
Rich Towards God

Finding Your Why

Last week, we worked on updating our thinking around money. Because the truth is, our behavior won’t change until we change our thinking. In other words, our thoughts produce our behaviors. So if we want better behavior, we don’t try to change our behavior. Instead,...
Rich Towards God

Think Right, Do Right

We’re called to make a difference, and that’s what our new series is all about. Today is part one of this four-part series called, “Be Rich.” Before we get into what it means to be rich, we first need to get something else taken care of. You see, if you want to fix...