NoLimits Church Owasso

Position Yourself for Great Wealth

God has specially prepared an end-time wealth transfer for His people. He will move the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous.

If you think this is a far-fetched idea, I invite you to renew your mind. God has already done this before. When the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians handed over their wealth.

We also have Ecclesiastes 2:26, which says, “…if a sinner becomes wealthy, God takes the wealth away and gives it to those who please him.”

And don’t forget Proverbs 2:22, which says, “…the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.”

Let’s pair the Word of God with the Voice of God. At NoLimits, there have been at least two prophetic visions about the end-time wealth transfer.

The first was on August 7, 2022.

I remember it like it was yesterday. The presence of God was incredibly thick. As we were all stunned and in awe of the moment unfolding before us, I had a vision.

I saw a massive dust cloud coming towards us. It reminded me of the images you see of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. 

It was intimidating. People were running into their homes and shutting the doors. Then I realized it was not dust filling the air. It was gold dust rushing towards us.

At this point in the vision, Holy Spirit explained the meaning to me.

He said, “There is great provision for my people. I need you to receive it and not reject it. You are the ones that I can trust with it because your hearts are pure, and your motives are right. You will know exactly what you need to do with it.”

A few days later, He led me to review what happened when the Israelites escaped Egypt. In Exodus 3, God prophesied through Moses, giving the Israelites a heads-up so they would receive the wealth transfer instead of rejecting it. 

You may be asking, "Why would they reject it?" Well, the Israelites had been slaves to Egypt for hundreds of years. The generation alive at this time had known nothing but a life of slavery.

They worked hard daily for just enough to feed and care for their families, while the Egyptians became wealthy from their labor.

And then suddenly, the people who kept them in slavery were handing over their wealth.

Put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't that seem a bit odd, like they were playing a trick on you?

That's why God alerted them beforehand, to prevent them from rejecting the great transfer of wealth.

He’s going to do it again. God will cause the ungodly to look favorably on the righteous and give them their wealth. 

Position yourself to receive. He is equipping us for the end-time harvest.

The second prophetic vision was on May 16, 2023 and came through my wife, Beth.

It started as what she perceived to be an audible sound. She heard “ting, ting, ta ting, ting”.

She thought everyone could hear it, but no one else did. She looked around to see if it was our kids making noise. Then the Lord said, “Do you hear it? That’s my currency falling from heaven.”

Then, it became louder and more frequent and the Lord said, “See! They’re getting it! They are hearing the sound of heaven!”

Then, all of a sudden, it sounded different. It had a duller sound to it. And Beth said, “No, Lord, don’t stop! Let it keep coming!” And He responded, “I’m not stopping it. They are catching it!”

Then she realized what she was hearing. It was like coins falling from heaven. At first, they were hitting the cement. Then, they were falling into your hands.

After she shared the vision, we released a tongue and interpretation. Listen again to what the Lord said that day.

“You received it. You have it. Now take it with a great heart. Don’t take it with sorrow. Take it with a joyful heart. And run with it, my child. Run and bless and throw it out to everyone you see. Throw it out to everything I tell you to do. Throw it out and do something with it. Do not hoard it! Do not save it up. Do something with it!”

Whether you believe it or not, a great wealth transfer is coming. You will be on one end of it or the other.

In this end-time wealth transfer, the wealth of those not advancing the kingdom of God will be given to those who are.

Positioning yourself to receive has nothing to do with investment strategy and everything to do with how you think about money.

If you think you missed out because you didn’t buy Bitcoin or gold or whatever, think again. Sure, God can use those things. But this is going to be miraculous. You won’t be able to take credit for it.

You must understand that great wealth will only come to those who are positioned and ready. God needs us to receive it. He wants us to receive it. We just have to get positioned and ready.

To help you make sure you are ready, I am releasing a new book on Wednesday. It is a quick read that will annihilate all kinds of wrong thinking about money so you are ready to receive great wealth.

I would like your help getting this book in front of as many eyes as possible. You helped me get to several #1 spots on Amazon with the last book, and we are going to do even better this time.

Join the texting list using the information on the screen. I’ll send you a text on Wednesday to purchase the book on Amazon. You can get a paperback for $7.99 or Kindle for $2.99.

Most of all, I want you to be ready to receive God’s End-Time Wealth Transfer. It’s not like God has a limited amount of spots available. He will use everyone who is positioned and ready.

Is that you? Make sure of it by reading and implementing what you learn in my new book.

This book is ordained by God for such a time as this. It’s been in my queue for a year and a half now, waiting for the right time. And now is that time.

We could see this wealth transfer happen before the end of the year. And the good news is, this book can get you ready quickly. You will learn in one short book what took me years to learn.

There’s no time for you to take years to learn this stuff. God needs you ready now. The time is short. The harvest is great and the laborers are few. Jesus is coming, and He’s coming very soon!

If you want to be one of the ones positioned and ready to receive God’s wealth transfer, shout, “I’m in!”

Y’all, we have many things just waiting on provision.

The purchase of NoLimits Ranch is just a million-dollar donation away. It could happen any day, and it could come through you.

Our land off Highway 169 is coming to fruition as we speak. The landowner is working with an engineering firm to sort out all the details. Once that’s done, we have a building to build!

Don’t wait to start sowing into what God is doing through NoLimits Church. Start increasing your giving now. Show God that you can be faithful with what you have now.

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NoLimits Church Owasso

Sundays at 10:30am

403 W 2nd Ave, Owasso, OK 74055

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