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A little over a year ago, I was delivered from a spirit of infirmity. Since then, I’ve had to learn how to not let that unclean spirit return to torture me with sickness.
Many who get delivered only experience short-term relief because they aren’t prepared for the battle ahead. So they easily settle into the same torture they had before.
Then they go to get deliverance again and again. Some travel from deliverance ministry to deliverance ministry. They may experience temporary relief, but nothing lasts.
Well, I’m here to teach you how to remain in a place of freedom. And this is not a theory. What I am about to teach you I have proven over the last year.
When I was delivered in May of 2023, it took me by complete surprise. I had no idea a spirit of infirmity was the cause of the sickness I was experiencing.
Leading up to that point, I had tried many things to find healing. I studied healing in the Bible like nobody’s business. I declared healing scriptures over my body. I received prayer.
I tortured myself with detox programs. I starved myself while trying to eat perfectly clean. I eliminated sugar and caffeine. I disciplined myself with daily exercise.
I never even considered that the cause could be demonic because my doctrine at the time was that it was absolutely impossible for a Christian to be tormented by demons.
Yet, I always felt an undercurrent of sickness. I was always tired and slightly irritated, and my gut was always off-balance.
Almost on schedule, it would flare up, and I would wake up in the middle of the night, always on Saturday night, with a terrible stomach ache and violent vomiting.
I chalked it up to something I ate. Although, it was quite peculiar that it always happened on Saturday night as if it was trying to prevent me from going to preach the next morning.
2 Types of Demonic Oppression
Then came the Sunday I preached my first-ever sermon on casting out demons. We dug into the difference between having a demon and being troubled by demons.
In Luke chapter four, there was a man who had a demon. This is what happens when you live a life of sin. Eventually, that darkness takes hold of your mind and you become joined together with an unclean spirit.
Then, in Luke chapter six we find people troubled by demons. This happens when a mob of demons is sent to harass, trouble, and torment you.
The Thayer lexicon refers to this as ‘being molested by demons’.
Either way, whether you have a demon or are being tormented by demons, Jesus gives us a singular solution.
Cast Out Demons
Mark 16:17 NKJV – And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons…
Whether you’ve brought it on yourself by living a life of sin, or you are an innocent bystander being molested by demons, there is one solution: cast it out.
You can’t pray it out. You can’t sing it out. You can’t detox it out. You can’t 10-step program it out. You have to cast it out. What does that mean exactly?
Cast Out – Eject, drive out, expel, banish, pluck out, send away.
In other words, you force the unclean spirit to leave with a stern command. You override its authority with your authority in Christ. You don’t permit it or tolerate it any longer. You expel it. Get out!
The Sunday when I preached this powerful sermon on casting out demons, I was fully unaware that I was about to be delivered.
After the message, I released an unknown language to be interpreted. It started as a calm, bold utterance as usual. But then it transitioned into weeping, followed by shouting, followed by a loud cry and gagging reflex.
I dropped to my knees and thought, “Whoa. That last part wasn’t God. What was that?”
My wife Beth, who usually interprets, said everything flowed as usual. She was getting the interpretation, and suddenly everything changed. She didn’t know what was happening but likened it to me giving birth to something.
After a pause, Mason came up and began the interpretation. Then Beth continued and clarified the interpretation. Honestly, I didn’t hear what was being said because I was chatting with the Holy Spirit about what just happened.
I will tell you what He was saying to me in that moment, but first, I want to read the two interpretations from that day. They are both quite incredible.
Mason’s Interpretation
“I am upset. Not with you. Not with you. Not with you. I am upset with what the enemy has been allowed to do in this nation I have called that has been founded on Me. Today I am calling you out. All of you. You will set this nation free. In my name, you will set this nation free! I will not let this stand any longer! No more! No more. No more shall it stand.
The adversary is defeated. Act like it! You are not cowering in a foxhole. You are not hiding in a trench. You are on the front lines. You are my warriors! Fight like them! I am not upset with you. I love you. You are my chosen. I love you with all my heart. I sent my Son to die for you! I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. I am your Lord. Now, fight in my stead, and I shall be with you from now until the end of the age.”
Beth’s Interpretation
“You will now start your ministry. But it is really My ministry. I started it, and I will finish it. I have anointed you to do this. I will make manifestations happen right in front of you so that you will deal with it. Do not walk away. Do not back up. Instead, walk to it. Walk to it. Walk to it because you have the authority to do something about it because of what I have already done.
There are several of you who are going to do this at exponential scales. I challenge you now, don’t even come up with a name for your “ministry”. Just go and do the work I have called you to do. Go and do the work that I have called you to do.
I have fully equipped you. But there is something you need to learn. It is in my Word and I will show it to you. Hear my child, it is in My Word and I will show it to you. Go back and read what I told you to read. Go back and study what I have told you to study.
Do not copy someone else’s ministry. I have appointed you, you specifically, to do something no one else can do. And know that I am with you in it. Know that you will see deliverance in front of you. Pray them forth. You will see things with your eyes that you couldn’t even dream of. But watch me work. It is I in you that does the work. It is I in you that does the work.
Welcome to my ministry, says the Lord. Welcome to my ministry, says the Lord.”
Hindsight is 2020, isn’t it? Here we are a year later, and we can see that both interpretations were accurate.
I’m glad I can go back and watch to write them down because I had no idea what was being said in that moment as the Holy Spirit was ministering directly to me.
The Holy Spirit said, “This is going to be embarrassing, and many will not understand, but you must confirm that it was indeed a demonic manifestation. Then, call forth the one I told to deal with it.”
It took me a minute, but I obeyed and asked, “Who was supposed to cast that out? You hesitated because I am your leader. Who was it?” They raised their hand, and I told them to deal with it.
I didn’t know what would happen next. I wasn’t scared. But I was shocked. I didn’t care how embarrassing it was. I was submitted to what the Holy Spirit wanted to happen.
In less than a minute, that demon came out with a loud scream. Apparently, it was quite upset it was getting evicted.
When it was over, I thought, “Was that it?” And then the Holy Spirit said, “Now your body can heal itself.” Then, the person who ministered deliverance said that she discerned it was a spirit of infirmity.
And now, a year later, I can confirm. It was indeed a spirit of infirmity. I am no longer tired all the time. I haven’t vomited since before I was delivered.
There are other things that are more personal. But you can ask my wife and she can confirm that I was once sick and now I’m not.
Easy, Peaceful Deliverance
Know this: Jesus gave you His name. He has all authority in heaven and on earth. So, whatever you say in His name goes. Every demon has to listen to your command.
Casting out demons is easy for those who believe. I’ve learned this over the past year. One hundred percent of the time, when someone comes to me seeking deliverance, they get it. It’s easy.
There’s a common thread in deliverance that happens at NoLimits. First, it always happens. Second, it is peaceful.
That spirit of infirmity that cried as it left me was the last one permitted to make noise. Now, they come out with a simple command, without a display, and the peace of God overwhelms us.
There was a lady who drove all the way here to Owasso, Oklahoma from California seeking deliverance. She didn’t make it in until after the service ended but caught me before I was about to leave.
She knew she was going to get delivered. She was so confident that she set up her phone camera to document the whole thing. She wanted to be able to share it with her family and friends!
We waited for her to get it all set up. Then, when she was ready, I led her to a place of surrender. The Holy Spirit revealed there was forgiveness that needed to take place.
I asked her to search her heart for unforgiveness and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal it to her. Just a few seconds later, she began to forgive her dad.
After that, I calmly but confidently commanded, “Unclean spirit, you leave her now in the name of Jesus.” Immediately, the peace of God rushed in like it was pouring out of heaven.
I asked, “Do you sense that peace?” She smiled and nodded yes, to which I replied, “That’s how you know you’ve been delivered.”
It took her about 10 minutes to set up her camera, all to capture about a 1-minute deliverance. She got up, packed up her stuff, and left with a huge smile on her face.
Another time, I was meeting with a group of men from the church. During the meeting, I began to operate in the discerning of spirits gift and realized that one of them was being tormented by the spirit of grief.
Without discerning of spirits, I would have just assumed it was natural grief because a loved one had just passed away. But the Holy Spirit let me in on the fact that this was more than natural grief. A spirit of grief was tormenting him.
As the meeting ended, I asked him, “How heavy is this grief, anyway?” He began to describe an overwhelming grief in which there was no relief. It was constant.
At that moment, he recognized what it was and surrendered to Christ. With a simple command, and I mean simple, that spirit of grief ran off like a pansy.
I could keep telling you stories; they all have the same thread. Casting out demons is an easy and peaceful experience here at NoLimits, where Jesus Christ rules and reigns.
Why is deliverance hard for some?
So, why do we hear about it being hard for some people to get delivered? Why are there deliverance sessions that last hours?
The problem is that we know how to cast out demons; we just don’t know when to cast out demons.
But we don’t have to be ignorant, dear brothers and sisters, because Jesus gave us three indicators to determine when to cast out demons.
First is when a demon manifests. Maybe it cries out and interrupts a church service, or maybe it throws someone to the ground.
The second is when someone is completely surrendered to Christ and comes to be healed of their affliction.
Third is when the Discerning of Spirits spiritual gift is active and reveals that deliverance is needed.
This is how we know when to cast out demons. When we start demon hunting, or assuming things are demons, or try to force our will on someone else, that’s when we get into trouble.
Relax. Wait for the demon to manifest, or for a person to come to you seeking deliverance, or for the Holy Spirit to give you the ability to discern spirits.
When any of these three things happen, it’s go time. Casting out demons isn’t just for church leaders, it’s for all who believe in Christ. You’ll get your opportunity, so get ready.
Don’t get wound up about it. Casting out demons is easy. Just wait for the right time, and when it comes, put a smile on your face because you know that demon has no choice but to leave immediately.
If a demon manifests, cast it out, quickly.
If a person comes seeking deliverance, cast out the demon, quickly.
If the Holy Spirit reveals the issue is demonic, cast it out, quickly.
But do not spend your days looking for demons. Do not give your time and attention to demons. Do not assume what is a demon and what is not a demon.
You’ll know when you are dealing with a demonic issue. It will make itself known, or the person will come seeking deliverance, or the Holy Spirit will make it known.
Your intellect was not involved in any of those. So, if you are sitting around trying to figure out, “Is this a demon or not?”, you are wasting your time.
Demons do not get our time and attention. We don’t sit around thinking about demons. There’s only one thing we do with demons: cast them out.
Can you imagine President Trump spending days and days at your house watching you to make sure you take a shower every day and mow the lawn correctly and clean the bathroom?
Absolutely not. That is not even on his list of concerns. I hate to break it to you, but the details of your life will never get the attention of President Trump.
Listen up! You are in God’s royal family. You are a co-heir with Christ. As a born-again believer, you’ve earned the status of a king and priest in this life.
Demons aren’t even on your list of concerns. Those piddly, nasty, worthless creatures better stay out of your way. Because they know if they even come close, they’re getting a swift kick in the rear.
You being timid towards a demon is no different than Donald Trump being timid towards you. Just imagine Trump’s response if you tried to intimidate him.
What you just imagined is how you should respond when a demon tries to intimidate you.
“You think you can just show up and waste my time? Get out!”
Let me tell you something that has to stop. We will no longer tolerate this behavior at NoLimits.
“How are you doing, brother?” “Well, I’m under attack. The enemy is really getting to me right now.”
This is the equivalent of saying, “Well, I’m under attack. Those ants keep getting in my house and ruining my day. We’ll never get ahead with the ants tormenting us.”
From now on, I want everyone to have the same response to this type of behavior, “That’s enough. I don’t want to hear another word about these worthless demons. Rise up in your authority in Christ and put an end to it right now.”
Demons do not get our time and attention. We don’t sit around thinking about demons. There’s only one thing we do with demons: cast them out.
Maintaining Deliverance
So, once you are delivered, how do you remain free?
It’s very common for people to return to the same torment, and I’m not having it anymore. Jesus doesn’t give temporary deliverance. When Jesus runs off a demon, it doesn’t get to come back.
So, what’s going on? Are demons coming back? Or is something else going on here?
First, let’s examine the scripture people love to quote about demons coming back worse than they were before.
Matthew 12:43-45 NLT – “When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. Then it says, ‘I will return to the person I came from.’ So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order. Then the spirit finds seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there. And so that person is worse off than before. That will be the experience of this evil generation.”
Jesus didn’t say this to make you afraid of demons. He wasn’t even talking to the born-again believer. He was talking to people who refused to believe in Christ as Messiah.
If you read it in context, you’ll find He is talking directly to the Pharisees who refused to repent and believe. This is a message for the unbeliever.
When a demon is cast out of an unbeliever, if they then refuse to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, that demon will come back with its buddies, and they’ll be worse off than before.
But as a born-again believer, your house ain’t empty. It is full of the Holy Spirit! The same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives in you!
Even if that demon did try to come back, the Holy Spirit would be standing at the door with His AK-47.
I found out what we call it an AK-47. It has to be because of James 4:7. Take a look:
James 4:7 NKJV – Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Now, you will be able to remember where this scripture is. This is your AK-47 scripture. It is the weapon that guards your house and prevents demons from entering.
Since I am submitted to God, when I resist the devil, he runs off like the little wuss he is. You don’t have to worry about demons coming back as long as you a submitted to God.
And really, isn’t that what salvation is? The scriptures say to believe Jesus Christ was raised from the dead and confess Him as Lord and you will be saved.
If Jesus is Lord, that means you are submitted, does it not? If you aren’t submitted, then Jesus isn’t Lord. If you are living your own way, then Jesus isn’t Lord.
If you gripe about being submitted to God, then you are not submitted to God. You may be putting on some kind of performance, but that’s all it is.
True submission is not just in action but in motive. That’s why other translations of James 4:7 say, “Humble yourself before God”.
Humility is a required ingredient of submission.
Here’s what true submission sounds like, “You’re in charge, and I’m not. How can I serve you? I have ideas, but yours are better. What would you like done?”
If there is a gripe session going on in your head while you are “submitting”, it is not submission. It’s a facade. It’s a lie. It’s deception. You are deceiving yourself if you think that is submission.
This is hard for us Americans. Submission is not our forte. But the reality is, when we are not submitted, we are in pride. And God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
So, check yourself. Are you humble before God? Have you truly submitted yourself to Him?
If so, you can be confident that the Holy Spirit guards your house with His AK-47. There’s no chance that a demon will get back in. No chance. Nada.
But if you don’t do the second part of that verse, there might be a lot of obnoxious noise outside your house. The demons might be outside protesting their eviction.
This is what most people are dealing with when they get delivered and then find themselves back in the same type of torment. It’s not worse than it was, but there is a battle going on.
Since you are submitted to God, the demons can’t get back in. But they will stand outside and mock you until you run them off.
You’ll have thoughts like this: “Why do you have a headache today? It’s because you weren’t really delivered. It won’t be long and you’ll be worse off than you were before.”
This kind of attack is no different than how the deep state hires the media to spew their lies over and over and over until people start to believe them.
The issue at this point is not deliverance. You don’t need to be delivered again and again. You need to shut down the protest by resisting the devil. As soon as you resist, he will flee. It’s a promise.
How do we resist? Jesus demonstrated it for us when He was sent into the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by the devil.
Did Jesus tolerate the crafty lies of the enemy? No. He immediately countered them by speaking the written Word of God.
You can’t let these lies float around in your head all day—not even for a second. You must answer every lie by speaking the Word of God. Not thinking, but speaking.
Every time you have a thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, you spring into action immediately. For it is written, “You shall worship the Lord God and serve Him only.”
If you are not well versed in the scriptures, you might have to take some time to find the scripture that slaughters the lie you are dealing with.
In these moments, you should fast-track yourself by reaching out to others in the church. After a few phone calls, I bet you’ll find the scripture you are looking for.
You even have a weapon that is the best of all—it’s like the golden gun in the 007 game. Pray in the spirit.
If you don’t have a scripture to speak, pray in the spirit while you find the scripture. If you have a scripture, speak it and pray in the spirit.
Quit tolerating the devil. Resist!
Quit allowing attacks from the devil. Resist!
When temptation comes. Resist!
The church has become soft, but we are done with that. We will not be known as a soft church. We will be known as a church who destroys the works of the devil.
The gates of hell cannot prevail against NoLimits Church.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us. He has anointed us to preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, free those who are oppressed, and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
Ephesians 6 puts a nice summary on this message. Let’s turn there together.
Ephesians 6:10-18 NKJV – Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—
Remember what the Lord said through Mason the day I was delivered from a spirit of infirmity?
“The adversary is defeated. Act like it! You are not cowering in a foxhole. You are not hiding in a trench. You are on the front lines. You are my warriors! Fight like them! I am not upset with you. I love you. You are my chosen. I love you with all my heart. I sent my Son to die for you! I will not leave you. I will not forsake you. I am your Lord. Now, fight in my stead, and I shall be with you from now until the end of the age.”
There is significance to what Trump said after that assassination attempt. He stood to his feet and said, “Fight, fight, fight.”
He was echoing what heaven is saying to the church. It’s time to fight the good fight of faith. And we don’t fight, wondering if we will win. We fight, knowing we’ve already won.
We are to resist the devil in our own lives, and we are to resist the devil collectively on behalf of the United States of America. And as we resist the devil, he will run, run, run.
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