This is the year of explosive multiplication for those who remain obedient to the Lord our God. You will experience sharp, sudden increase in many areas of your life.
For several weeks now, we’ve been honing in on financial increase. Some thinkg it heresy to talk about such things in the church, but the Bible disagrees with the hush-hush doctrine regarding finances.
Most Christians are quite malnourished in this area because most pastors are afraid to talk about it. Why are they afraid? Because as soon as they do, people start leaving the church.
I’ll preach the full counsel of God’s Word anyway. So, if you get upset when I preach on money, just know that that’s normal. But you are not called to be normal, so find your way out of that mess as quickly as possible.
What I am teaching you is what Jesus would be teaching if He were here. How do I know? Because we have a full record of it in the Gospels.
We have a record of 38 parables Jesus used to teach people. 16 of those had to do with money. That’s 42%. Almost half of Jesus’ parables had to do with money.
Of the 48 sermons I preached on Sundays last year, 12 had to do with money. That’s only 25%! I have some catching up to do to match the frequency of my Lord, Jesus Christ.
I’m fully convinced that our church is called to finance the great end-time harvest. There will be great revival before the return of Christ, and someone has to foot the bill.
We’re not the only church called to this, but we are one of them. Do you know how challenging it is for God to find believers who will allow great sums of money to flow through their hands?
God has to have a partner. A human steward must be involved if the Gospel is to be funded. You think everyone would say yes, but that’s not the case.
Many are stuck in the “just enough” mindset. They think resources are limited and therefore they are unavailable for being one whom God can use to fund the great end-time harvest.
Some are caught up in greed, hoarding everything that comes their way, afraid of the future, betting everything on a retirement that may never come. These people are unqualified for the job.
Others refuse to tithe for whatever reason and violate the one thing that opens the windows of heaven so the financial blessing can flow. These have disqualified themselves. God wants the windows open, but only one thing opens them: the tithe.
Some are afraid of great wealth. Because so many are destroyed by great wealth, we unknowingly build up a resistance to wealth in order to protect ourselves from perceived danger.
This all boils down to a fear of money. And we shouldn’t fear anything except the Lord our God.
Several weeks ago, I asked the Lord to expose all my wrong beliefs. I want Him to root out anything within me that unknowingly resits His blessings and anointing on my life.
As I pressed in for the answer in prayer, over several weeks, He was faithful to my request and revealed the things holding me back. None of it was Him. He wasn’t holding me back. I was holding me back.
One of the things He revealed is that I had a fear of money. Although I was fully convinced that Biblical wealth is God’s desire for every believer, a hidden resistance was buried deep in my mind.
I didn’t even know it was there until He exposed it. But deep within, I thought that great wealth would destroy me like it has so many people. I was good with a certain amount of wealth, but unknowingly, I was resisting great wealth.
Then Holy Spirit reminded me of a prophecy from August of 2022 when the Lord said, “There is great provision for my people. I need you to receive it and not reject it. You are the one’s that I can trust with it because your hearts are pure, and your motives are right. You will know exactly what you need to do with it.”
All this time, I thought I was obeying His command to receive it and not reject it. All this time, I thought, “Who would reject the blessing of the Lord? That’s crazy!” All to find out, I have been in a mindset of resisting wealth for the last two years, and every year before that.
But now, that resistance has been dealt with. I am no longer afraid of great wealth. I trust the Lord when He said that my heart is pure and my motive is right. He can see that better than anyone.
Last Sunday, after church, I was sitting in my office spending time with the Lord when He spoke to my spirit, “I’ve called you to be a billionaire. Will you accept the call?”
A few weeks ago, I would have said yes because I always say yes to the Lord. But that fear of great wealth would have resulted in that nagging unbelief we all feel at times.
Did you know that faith and unbelief can be present at the same time? Your spirit is saying yes, but your wrong mindset is saying no.
This is why so many who say they have faith don’t see the result of their faith. They refuse to acknowledge and deal with their unbelief. Instead, they act like that nagging feeling isn’t there.
So, you’re not lying when you say you have faith. You probably do. But you are also permitting unbelief to remain present and keep you from receiving from God.
Only when you humble yourself by dealing with the unbelief, the wrong mindsets, can you receive from God. For the scriptures say, “Those who waver between faith and unbelief will not receive anything from God, for a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
Humble yourself and let God call your bluff. Because only when these wrong mindsets are brought out into the light can they be destroyed by that same light.
The only reason you try to hide this crap is because you are trying to prove something. You have nothing to prove! There’s nothing you can do to impress God. He is God.
God didn’t make us and then wait to be impressed. No. As soon as He made us, He looked at HIS handiwork and said, “It is good.”
Then we went and messed it all up, you know, giving God the opposite feeling of being impressed. Nevertheless, God loves us so much, He did the work through Jesus Christ to make us good again.
So here we stand before Him, in Christ, and God once again says, “It is good.” God is fully impressed with those who are in Christ, not because of what they have done, but because of what He has done.
So, quit stuffing and hiding all your crap in an effort to impress God or those around you. Just let it all out into the light so it can be destroyed and moved out of the way.
Back to last Sunday, when the Lord revealed that He has called me to be a billionaire. Now that the fear of money was out of the way, I was able to have the right response.
I stood up with great honor towards my commander and said out loud, “I accept the call to be billionaire. There are few in the Body of Christ willing to do so. But I say yes. Here I am Lord, use me.”
I tell you this story in hopes that I can make a few new friends today. Who doesn’t want a billionaire friend?
In all seriousness, though, I tell you this story not because I want to. It was a precious experience with the Lord that I didn’t intend to share. But the Lord wanted you to hear it.
A couple of days after this, I was led to write my plan for using a billion dollars for the Kingdom of God. I wrote out everything stirring on my heart and was bold and generous with the numbers.
Once I was done, I just knew I had made great progress towards a billion dollars. Guess what the grand total was? $40 million.
That may sound like a lot, but it is only 4% of a billion. I still have $960 million dollars to use for the Gospel!
I have an unusual assignment for you. Take 5-10 minutes to write down the visions God has put on your heart, and how much it would take to do it right.