NoLimits Church Owasso

The Soon Coming Storm

A prophecy was recently spoken at NoLimits about a coming storm in the world. The storm will be intense but short-lived.

Instead of being in fear of the storm, we need to stand firm in God's Word and protection. We need to be his voice of peace in these trying times.

This message will equip you to stand on a firm foundation and come out of this storm strong.

The Prophecy

Know this, says the Lord. I have heard your prayers and petitions. Some people think they are still in My way, but they don’t know Me yet. You will see that I am not playing chess with them, but I am clearing the chessboard. For they will see my mighty hand sweep across this nation, and they will wonder why their plans and money can’t get them what they want any longer.

Be careful and do not give credit to a single person or organization, says the Lord. For what I am about to do, only I can do.

Know this: there are times of turbulence coming. Know this: I am patiently pushing those who have not made a decision. I am pushing them off the fence so that they can make a decision. For I do not make decisions for them. Remember that when you see them fall, I did not do that. They chose that.

But when you see the ones rise, know that I have scooped them up, and I have set them on a firm foundation, says the Lord. Cover them in prayer when you see them rise. You will know who they are. You will see it on your TV screen. Your job is not to dictate whether someone is truly saved or not, for I am the judge, says the Lord. But you do have a responsibility to pray for them.

For there is a great rebellion coming, says the Lord. There are two sides to this rebellion. Some think they walk in my ways, but when they come up to a wall, they look to the left and the right. It’s like they are in a maze and don’t know which way to go. Others approach the same wall and look up, and they smile. Meanwhile, the first group still looks left and right, confused and paralyzed.

The true righteous believers will rebel against the flood of evil coming after them. Even though they are expected to comply, they push back with great rebellion. There will be protection around them. The people pushing evil won’t be able to touch them. They can get close, but they can’t touch them because the righteous know their authority. They know the Word of God and how to use it.

In this great rebellion, the righteous will rebel against the evil. A force of believers will sweep like wildfire in all directions. Unfortunately, there will be those who rebel against that, too. But, that is not your focus. The wildfire will move right past them but will leave a black hole because no one is replaceable, says the Lord.

But your job is to move continually because you must continue to reap the harvest that doesn’t rebel against you. And I need you to move fast, says the Lord, in all directions and all areas and capacities of your life. I need you to be My consuming fire because that's what you have on the inside of you.

Do not hide or hinder the gifts I have given you. Move in the gifts, says the Lord. I am with you always. Do not be in fear, for I will begin to manifest myself.

Other spirits will begin to talk to you as well because there is a demonic force that will multiply in these end times. How do you know which spirit it is? You will know, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

But know this: when that evil spirit comes after you, you must rebel against it, you must push back against it with the Word of God. For Jesus showed us how to do this, three times to be exact. You can do it. I am with you, says the Lord. And as the righteous take step after step together, they will do those greater works. For there are things that are not fulfilled yet, but they will be soon.

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NoLimits Church Owasso

Sundays at 10:30am

403 W 2nd Ave, Owasso, OK 74055

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