New Book: God’s End Time Wealth Transfer

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A bold prophetic word has been released over NoLimits Chruch. In this message, Pastor Kade proves it with scripture and explains how we must cooperate to see it come to pass.

On January 28, 2023, the Holy Spirit revealed incredible details about God’s purpose for NoLimits Church. I received this prophetic word through tongue and interpretation.

I was in my office spending time with the Lord and praying when a bold utterance burst out of me in tongues. I knew I was declaring a powerful word from God.

You’ll see Beth and I operate in tongues and interpretation often. I give the tongue, and Beth interprets. Since Beth wasn’t with me that day, I didn’t expect an interpretation.

But my words effortlessly transitioned from tongues to English. I realized, for the first time, that I was interpreting my own tongue. It was an incredible experience.

I knew it was the interpretation because what I said could have never come from my own thoughts. This was far beyond anything that I could ever dream up on my own.

I’ve read this to the church several times already. Now I want to take you to scripture to confirm this is a true prophetic word from God.

God's End-Time Wealth Transfer

First Thessalonians teaches us not to despise prophecy but to test every word that is said. How do we test it? Throw it against the Word of God and see if it sticks.

Everything that comes from God will agree with the Word of God.

That’s how we know abortion is not from God. Homosexuality is not from God. Transgenderism is not from God. Living a self-focused life is not from God.

You throw any of this stuff against the Word of God, and it does not stick. Actually, it is repelled. Everything that comes from God will agree with the Word of God.

So, let me read this prophetic word again, and then we will test it with the Word of God.

NoLimits Church will occupy the city of Owasso until Jesus comes. Our leadership and influence will make Owasso a safe haven until He comes. We will occupy by:

  • Owning businesses in Owasso
  • Serving on the City Council and School Board
  • Having three church locations (Owasso West, Owasso Central, Owasso East)

NoLimits Church will be the talk of the city. People will say, “That’s where you go to meet Jesus! That’s where you go to be filled with the Holy Spirit! That’s where you go to get healed and delivered.”

We will become the leading force in Owasso. No other organization will have the influence we do. We will steward the influence well. It will be marked by righteousness.

Now, let’s break it down.

NoLimits Church will occupy the city of Owasso until Jesus comes.

Many of you will recognize this language directly from the Bible. One way I know this word is from God is because He used language from the King James Version.

This is when Jesus was teaching a crowd. They thought the kingdom of God would begin right away. Jesus told them a parable to prove otherwise. Take a look:

Luke 19:12-13 KJV – He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. 

There it is. Occupy till I come. What does this mean? The word translated to “occupy” literally means “to carry on the business of a banker or trader.”

So, Jesus’s point here is that we are to actively multiply what He has given us until He comes.

When He returns, He will ask us, “How much did you multiply what I gave you?” In this parable, one of the servants created a 10-fold return. Amazing!

Even more amazing is Jesus’ response to this guy:

Luke 19:17 NKJV – And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.’

Did you catch that? Authority over ten cities. Jesus went from giving them pounds – representing money – to giving them cities.

The word “authority” here means “delegated influence and the rule of government.” So, Jesus is saying, “I am giving you my influence to lead these cities.”

NoLimits Church will occupy the city of Owasso until Jesus comes. We will actively multiply the influence, power, and authority He has given us here in this city until He comes.

And even after He comes, when we rule and reign with Him in the millennium, I imagine this will still be our city to lead.

End Times

Before we go on to the next part of this prophetic word, I want to take a few minutes to talk about the imminent return of Christ. To clear the air, in case you don’t know, I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the church.

In the twinkling of an eye, our bodies will be changed into their glorified state. We will watch as the dead in Christ rise from their graves. Then we will rise with them to meet the Lord in the air.

I know not everyone agrees on the timing of this event, but I believe wholeheartedly that it will happen before the seven-year tribulation begins.

If you want to know why I believe this, search for “rapture” on our YouTube channel. Several of my messages will explain it with plenty of scripture references.

I wouldn’t dare give you an exact date for the rapture like many fools have done before. Scripture tells us that even Jesus doesn’t know the exact day or hour.

But Jesus did urge us to pay attention to the signs that reveal it is near. One of the many signs is what goes on with the sun, moon, and stars. So, this upcoming eclipse has my attention

Before you scoff at me, or even if you already have, just remember that it was a star that led the wise men to Jesus. God can use any part of His creation to reveal things to us.

I am not an astrologist. I believe horoscopes are new-age nonsense. But I do pay attention to unusual things that happen, as they are a sign of the end times.

There is a solar eclipse on April 8. For those in the path of totality, it will become dark as night in the middle of the day as the moon completely covers the sun.

For us, the sun will be about 90% covered. I recommend buying solar glasses so you can watch it happen. It will be quite the sight.

I’ve listened to a few people explain how the rapture of the church could happen around the time of the eclipse. They weren’t setting a day but rather explaining why we should be paying attention.

They made some really good points and all came from a place of humility. Their whole premise was, “I don’t know the day it will happen, but I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the signs that are before us.” That’s what I am doing for you today.

A day or two later, I was suddenly reminded of something that happened two years ago when Beth was in labor with Daniel.

On the way to the midwife, Beth was having contractions every three minutes or so. It was intense. So, I decided to turn on one of our favorite songs to help distract her from the pain.

I played Endless Praise by Charity Gayle. Almost immediately, the spirit of God filled our car and we both began to cry. His love and His peace were so tangible. It was overwhelming.

Then came the third verse. Take a look at these lyrics:

Standing with those who have heard well done
Proclaiming forever that you’re the one who’s
Faithful, faithful, faithful are you Lord
What can we give you but endless praise
The heavens roar as we shout
Your name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus You are Lord

At this point, I was in and out of an open vision of Jesus coming on the clouds. My eyes were open because I was driving, but I would catch glimpses of what His coming will look like.

So, there I am, wiping tears from my eyes, sobbing, going in and out of this vision, and trying to keep a laboring woman safe going down Highway 169.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at the birthing center. The midwife checked the progress, and we discovered Beth was on the verge of having this baby. Less than an hour later, Daniel was born.

You may wonder, what does this have to do with the eclipse? Well, Daniel’s 2nd birthday is on April 9. The eclipse is on April 8. As you can imagine, these converging events gets my attention.

Again, I am not setting a date. I am just watching and realizing that the return of Christ is right around the corner.

This motivated me to tell 40 middle schoolers the truth about LGBTQ this past Wednesday. I just laid it out plain and clear that they’ve been lied to and that there is freedom in Christ.

I don’t mind talking about this issue. But usually, especially in a public school setting, I would ease into it. Not now. I fully recognize this could be my last chance to tell them the truth.

Jesus is coming soon. It really could be next month. For those who know Jesus Christ, these are comforting words. They are also motivating words. Be bold and courageous in these last days.

If you don’t know Christ, these are terrifying words. But I can lead you to that place of comfort right now. Jesus is simply waiting for you to decide to believe in and follow Him.

What do we do until Jesus comes? We occupy this city. We actively multiply the influence, power, and authority Jesus has given us.

Our leadership and influence will make Owasso a safe haven until He comes.

The world is falling apart around us. But as we take our God-given authority in Owasso, we will create a safe haven for the people in this city. Here are two scriptures that agree:

Proverbs 29:2 NKJV – When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Psalms 91:5-7 NLT – Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you.

Our leadership and influence will make Owasso a safe haven until He comes.

How amazing is this? As we fulfill what God has prophesied over us, it saves an entire city. Yes, our church will be thriving. But even more incredible is that our city will be protected because of us.

We will occupy by: Owning businesses in Owasso, serving on the City Council and School Board, and having three church locations.

So the question here is, “Does God want us to own businesses, serve in government positions, and possess land?

The answer is yes to all three of these. Let me show you in scripture.

Deuteronomy 28:11-12 NLT – The Lord will give you prosperity in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you, blessing you with many children, numerous livestock, and abundant crops. The Lord will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them. 

Matthew 28:18-19 NLT – Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…

You can’t disciple nations without disciplining cities. Our assignment from Jesus Himself is to use His authority not just to disciple people but society. We are to lead our city in the ways of God.

This requires bold, faithful followers of Jesus Christ to occupy places of leadership in the structures of society: business, government, and education.

You can’t disciple a city from the sidelines. You have to be at the top. We must occupy the high places. We must lead the city. It’s what Jesus commanded us to do.

We will occupy by: Owning businesses in Owasso, serving on the City Council and School Board, and having three church locations.

There are several in our congregation who own businesses, and it’s time for you to multiply. God’s favor has been released over your business. Take the limits off and let Him exceed your expectations.

Currently, no one here is serving on city council and school board. If that is tugging on your heart, put in the work to make it happen. Find out what you need to do to run in the next election.

We are working on purchasing land for NoLimits Central. I gave you an update last week, so go watch that message if you haven’t already.

According to this prophetic word, two more locations are coming: one near Highway 75 and another on the east side of Owasso. 

NoLimits Church will be the talk of the city. People will say, “That’s where you go to meet Jesus! That’s where you go to be filled with the Holy Spirit! That’s where you go to get healed and delivered.”

I don’t think I have to convince you that God wants this to be the buzz of our city, but let me take you to scripture anyway.

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, He told the woman He knew about her five husbands.

He wasn’t saying this to condemn her. Rather, He used this word of knowledge to prove that He was the Messiah. Then take a look at what happened as a result:

John 4:39 NLT – Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!”

As we become the talk of the city, many will believe in Jesus simply because of people who experience God’s miracle-working power at NoLimits and then tell people about it.

NoLimits Church will be the talk of the city. People will say, “That’s where you go to meet Jesus! That’s where you go to be filled with the Holy Spirit! That’s where you go to get healed and delivered.”

People are already meeting Jesus here. They are getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Speaking of, how many of you were filled with the Holy Spirit here at NoLimits Church?

People are already being healed, and that will continue to increase. People are already being delivered from all kinds of sin and bondage and demonic oppression.

Speaking of, how many of you have been delivered from demonic oppression here at NoLimits?

We will become the leading force in Owasso. No other organization will have the influence we do. We will steward the influence well. It will be marked by righteousness.

This agrees with what we already spoke about. But here’s another scripture to drive it home:

Deuteronomy 28:13 NKJV – And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath.

Of all the churches in Owasso, why did He choose us? It’s simple. We allow God’s power to flow through us. We submit to the Holy Spirit. We welcome the gifts of the Spirit.

You may wonder, why doesn’t every church do that? Well, it turns out there is a strong pull to please people. And when we try to please people, we will always end up in disobedience to God.

Many people have left this church because I refuse to please people. I’m okay with that because I’ve chosen to please God even when it displeases people.

Don’t hear what I’m not saying. I’m not out to displease people. That’s not my goal. But if people get upset over something the Holy Spirit is leading me to do, oh well. Do what you got to do.

We will become the leading force in Owasso. No other organization will have the influence we do. We will steward the influence well. It will be marked by righteousness.

We will not use the ways of the world to gain influence. The world puts on a show and manipulates people. We’re not doing that. Our influence is delegated from the Lord. He gave it to us to steward.

We will not be known as a people-pleasing church. We will be known as a righteous church. Not a self-righteous church, but one that boldly wears God’s gift of righteousness.

Now you see how this prophetic word lines up with God’s Word. So let me read the whole thing again.

NoLimits Church will occupy the city of Owasso until Jesus comes. Our leadership and influence will make Owasso a safe haven until He comes. We will occupy by:

  • Owning businesses in Owasso
  • Serving on the City Council and School Board
  • Having three church locations (Owasso West, Owasso Central, Owasso East)

NoLimits Church will be the talk of the city. People will say, “That’s where you go to meet Jesus! That’s where you go to be filled with the Holy Spirit! That’s where you go to get healed and delivered.”

We will become the leading force in Owasso. No other organization will have the influence we do. We will steward the influence well. It will be marked by righteousness.

We are called by God to protect our city from the evils of the end times. Why us? Because of all the churches in Owasso, we are the ones who are willing to do it God’s way, no matter the cost.

Will this come with persecution? You better know it. Jesus promised that we would face persecution, especially in the end times, for following Him.

Will there be troubles along the way? Guaranteed. But when troubles of any kind come our way, we consider it an opportunity for great joy.

Because we know, when our faith is tested, our endurance has a chance to grow. And we need our endurance to be fully developed in order to fulfill this prophecy.

Completely Funded

I don’t know if you realized it yet, but this is a big assignment. It’s going to take FAITH to go from where we are now to becoming the leading force in Owasso.

Have you considered the amount of resources we will need to pull this off? It’s going to take an amazing full-time staff to get this done. Not to mention the three buildings we still need to acquire.

But God is not asking us to pay for it. He will fund the vision, but it has to flow through us. And most of us think too small regarding finances, including myself.

That’s why the Holy Spirit gave me a follow-up prophecy just a few months after I received the one we talked about today. I’ve read it to you before. Let me read it to you again. And then, we will test it with the Word of God.

“The vision has been funded. Funded in the Spirit. Funded in the natural. Everything needed is readily available. Simply reach in and grab what you need when you need it, like getting something out of a fully stocked pantry. People, finances, God’s goodness, healing, miracles – it’s all fully stocked!”

We’re not waiting on the funding and resources. It’s ready right now. God has made it readily available. We are to reach in and grab what we need when we need it.

But here’s the problem. I bet every single one of us has heard teaching on how God wants you poor. And you probably have the experience to back it up.

So when we hear a prophetic word like this, there’s a conflict within us. We question if it really came from God. I know God will care for my needs, but does He really want me to prosper? 

We’re talking about large sums of money that will be given to NoLimits Church in order to fund this vision. Millions of dollars will be given to fund this vision.

Where will those millions come from? You! And anyone else God calls to partner with this vision.

If there was ever a time to be diligent about renewing our minds regarding prosperity, it is now. We must do what it takes to break the deception of poverty off of our minds so we can embrace all God has for us.

I will help you with that right now by testing this second prophetic word against the Word of God.

Ephesians 3:16-21 NLT – I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

There you go. This scripture makes the prophetic word about being fully funded seem so small. Of course God can do that! Just look at what He wants to do: accomplish infinitely more!

I went through this block of scripture and looked up every single word in the Strongs concordance. I wanted to understand the depth of what is being said here.

After a three-hour study on these five verses, I wrote them out like we would speak them today.

I’m not adding to scripture. I’m not changing scripture. I’m simply extracting the depth of the words that were written. This is going to bless you. Are you ready?

Heavenly Father, Your unending abundance of possessions – Your wealth is incredible. Use it liberally to make us strong in our ability to operate in Your miracle-working power. We know you accomplish this only as we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us. So, Holy Spirit, we give you full access. Fill us now.

And Jesus Christ, we are confident in what God’s Word says about You. You are the Son of God who was sacrificed for our sins. You rose from the dead, securing our salvation. Make your permanent home in our hearts. We invite You to govern our thoughts, desires, and passions.

And now, the foundation of God’s love has been firmly established in us. Make us completely competent to fully possess this vast, wide, and deep heavenly love. We desire intimacy! We don’t just want to know about Your love. We want to know Your love through the intimate experience of Your love.

And don’t stop there, but fill us to the brim with your promises, presence, and power. Cram us full of You, God!

Father, You are fully capable and completely resourced to execute our requests. Anything we ask or think, we are confident that You will not only do these things, but You will go over and above. You will do more than is necessary. The results will be superior in quality.

We understand that our cooperation is required to see these results. We must fully allow your miracle-working power to flow freely through us. So, we say yes. Let Your power flow through us.

As we gather together as the body of Christ united and strong in miracle-working power, Father, You are glorified. And not just in our midst, but Your glory rings out across the entire universe, throughout all time, forever and ever. Amen.

Allow this scripture to renew your mind so that you can flow in God’s abundance. This will pave the way for the purpose of our church to come to pass.

We must line up with every part of God’s Word. Yes, get this sin out of your life, but don’t stop there. Speak God’s Word until you are flowing in the realm of His kingdom.

There is no lack in God’s kingdom. There is no sickness in God’s kingdom. There is no tiredness, depression, anxiety, or inadequacy in God’s kingdom.

If these things are in your life, you are not flowing in God’s kingdom. So how do you get there? Renew your mind by speaking God’s Word.

I am determined to break the spirit of poverty off of every one of you. Just because Jesus said there will always be poor among us doesn’t mean that you have to be one of them.

All Jesus was saying was, “You know what, there will always be people that don’t get it. They won’t do what it takes to renew their mind and access God’s provision. So take care of these people.”

And yes, we will take care of people of have yet to learn how to live in God’s flow of endless wealth. But for you here right now, you are not going to be one of them.

You are here at NoLimits Church. That means you have what it takes to break out of poverty and into God’s flow of wealth. You are called to prosper so you can help fund this work of God.

Don’t bow down to that demon of poverty. Kick it in the face and make a decision right now that you won’t stop speaking the Word of God until you are flowing in God’s endless resources.

God will not only do the things we ask, but He will go over and above. He will do more than is necessary. The results will be superior in quality.

About the Author

Kade Young

Kade Young is the lead pastor of NoLimits Church.