NoLimits Church Owasso

Preparing for End-Time Wealth

We are currently in a series about end-time promises. It won’t be long before Jesus comes back. In order to accomplish everything He has for us in these last days, we must live in His promises.

This series is not just teaching about God’s promises. It’s a manifestation of God’s promises. We’ve already heard some great testimonies, and there are more to come!


Last week, I helped you build your confidence in God's promise of protection. Is there anyone who was able to conquer your fears after hearing the message from last week?

The only way to be bold enough to accomplish everything God has for you is to have a revelation of His protection. You can’t just know about it, you have to know deep down that God will protect you.

When you have this confidence, fear no longer controls you. Sickness no longer scares you. Death is no longer a big deal.

You live with confidence, knowing that you get to decide when it’s time to go. Because God has given you authority over your own life, and He has promised to protect you from all harm and deadly disease.

But, I don’t want you to forget, this promise has a condition just like all the other promises we’ve talked about. Take a look:

Psalms 91:9-10 NLT - If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.

If you want to live in God’s protection, you have to make Him your refuge. In other words, don’t put your trust in anyone or anything else except God for protection.

You don’t need to fear sickness. You don’t need to fear threats from the woke mob. And you don’t even need to fear Satan or his demons.

Be confident in God’s promise of protection so you can live with boldness and accomplish everything God has for you to do.

Wealth Transfer Testimonies

A few weeks ago, we talked about the end-time wealth transfer. Since then, I have received several testimonies about financial miracles.

Interestingly, the testimonies have come from not only people who attended that service but also from those who have been watching it online.

One testimony was from a family who didn’t have enough to meet their bills. Normally they would have stressed over the budget and spent hours running the numbers. This time, they put it all aside and trusted God.

Within just a few days, they received an unexpected discount on one of their bills and an unexpected payment for something they had done for free.

These two things together equaled the exact amount of money they needed to balance the budget. God is good!

Another testimony was from a family who had a random guy come knock on their door. If this happened at my house, we’d probably pretend we weren’t home. Anyone else?

After this story, you might start answering those random visitors.

Reluctantly, they answered the door, and the guy said, “This might sound crazy, but my dad used to live in this house many years ago. I believe he buried something in the backyard. I will give you $5,000 if you give me 30 days to look for it.”

How would you respond to something like this? They said their first thought was, “Uhh, it’s not a dead body, is it?”

Turns out he was looking for buried silver bars. They dug up the backyard but never found them. Nevertheless, they got paid $5,000 for letting someone dig around in the backyard.

When it comes to this wealth transfer, God is going to do it in unexpected ways. Remember when Darla shared about someone giving her a business? Amazing.

Message Intro

Today I am going to build upon my message of the End Time Wealth Transfer. So we’ll just call this part two.

I was concerned a little bit when the Lord led me to preach on this subject again. Because if you preach about money more than once a year, you get accused of being a prosperity preacher.

Honestly, I’d rather be a prosperity preacher than a poverty preacher. The truth is, God’s desire is for His people to be wealthy so they are fully equipped for every good work.

The prosperity message does get out of balance when it’s the only thing you preach about. But that goes for any subject in the Bible. We need a variety of spiritual food to be healthy.

But sometimes, we need a higher dose of a specific subject for the season that is at hand. If we aren’t ready for this end-time wealth transfer, we’ll miss it.

Getting Ready for the Wealth Transfer

We can’t miss it. God needs these resources in our hands so we can accomplish His will on earth during these last days. Let me remind you of the tongue and interpretation we received a few weeks ago:

“My disciples were in the last hour. You are in the last seconds. Do not be afraid. Be bold and go out. The harvest is near. Call all that you can to God.”

This was then followed by a prophetic word:

“ are mine says the Lord. Nobody takes anything from Me. I have you in my hands. Nothing can come against you. I own you. You are my mine. You belong to me.”

This move of the Holy Spirit ended with a vision I received of a gold dust storm running towards us. Here is the interpretation of the vision:

“There is a great provision for my people. I need you to receive it and not reject it. You are the ones that I can trust with it because your hearts are pure, and your motives are right. You will know exactly what you need to do with it.”

All of this happened a month ago on Sunday, August 7. Ever since then, I’ve been checking myself to make sure I was positioned to receive it and not reject it.

You may be thinking, “Why would you not receive a wealth transfer?” Well, there are many reasons.

Rejecting the wealth transfer

Some will be tempted to reject it because it will be something you didn’t work for. We will be harvesting where we didn’t plant. And that’s a challenge for those who want to earn their wealth.

Others will be tempted to reject it because it seems too good to be true. And you’d rather hold on to your skepticism than receive from God.

There will even be some who are tempted to reject it because you don’t need it. You’ve been living in God’s blessing of abundance for quite some time, and you’ve settled in the level of wealth you live in.

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I’ve been working through all three of these issues over the last four weeks. But I am making progress and I hope you are too.

Expand Your Capacity to Recieve

Today, I want to deal specifically with the third issue. I believe almost all of us need to expand our capacity to receive.

It’s easy to settle into the level of wealth we live in. Our needs are taken care of. We have a little extra to have fun. Maybe we even have some solid investments going.

This applies to more people than you think. It isn’t just those who are making six figures a year. This is everyone who has what it takes to maintain the lifestyle you have chosen.

I’ve been in this category most of my adult life. Back when we made $30,000 a year between the two of us, all the way to today, where my business gives me a six-figure income.

At every income level, I’ve settled. We had food and shelter. We always gave our 10% tithe to the church. All was good!

But, over and over, the Lord has rebuked me for settling and helped me move on to the next level.

Although He has sure blessed me along the way, the next level was not just for me. It was also for others.

Times when I could have settled

For example, if I had settled as a solopreneur when I was working by myself and generating a nice income, I would have never grown the business to provide for my employees as well.

Not only that, but as my income grows, my generosity grows because I give ten percent, just like the Bible teaches. And now I give far beyond that because I have all this extra income.

Generosity is great. It really is the joy of abundance. But I don’t want you to get the idea that God doesn’t want to bless you along the way.

So many people have a hard time with this. They get upset when someone at a different level of wealth buys a new house, or a car, or whatever it is. And you think things like, “They should have given that money to the poor!”

This might hurt a little, but if you have thoughts like that, you're the one with the problem, not them. The root of those types of comments is jealousy. You want their wealth because you think you could do it better.

Let me release you right here. When you get to heaven, God is not going to hold you accountable for how someone else spent their money. So, just let it go. Don’t concern yourself with it at all.

Let me show you something else that will bring you freedom:

Proverbs 10:16 NLT - The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin.

If you are enhancing your life with your wealth, you are in good company with the godly. God is pleased when you love and care for your family with your wealth.

Yes, be generous. And yes, enhance your life. It isn’t one or the other. God has more than enough to handle both.

Have you settled?

So my question to you is, have you settled? 

I found out a few weeks ago that, once again, I had settled. I was completely unaware until the Lord started dealing with me on some things. And maybe He’s doing the same for you today?

A little over five years ago, I stumbled upon a house on Zillow that was like a dream come true. But it was just outside my capacity to receive.

So I went by myself to drive by it. I didn’t want Beth to know that I was dreaming outside of our comfort zone. When I got there, something connected in my spirit. I knew it was for us.

So I took the risk and told Beth about it. And then we went to look at it. Beth had her list of desires, and I had mine. This house met all of them down to the last detail.

I wanted a house in the trees that had gigabit internet. Good luck, right? Well, this house had both. It was in a neighborhood but backed a green belt full of dense, huge trees.

Only one problem. I thought that the price was too much. We could do it, but it would be irresponsible. After much stressing about the numbers, we put in an offer because I knew God wanted us there.

We’ve now been living there for five years, and the house payment has never been an issue. Actually, we ended up just doubling our payment so we could pay it off faster.

Looking back, God used this house to expand my capacity to receive. If I had settled where it was more comfortable instead of following where God was leading me, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Farm-House Hunting

For a little over a year now, Beth and I have been looking for a house on some land. Our desires have changed over the years, and neighborhood life is no longer where we want to be.

Our desire is now to raise horses and chickens and cattle. We want to be a part of solving the food problems we face today, and we want our kids to learn the value of working on a farm.

I don’t know how many properties we looked at. We went to Romona, Ochelata, Talala, and Oologah. Lots of great properties, but a bit too far from church life.

So, every week for over a year now, we’ve been watching what shows up on MLS and torturing my mom, our realtor, by asking her to show us all the ones that piqued our interest.

And finally, we find this house only a mile from where we live now on 17 acres. It’s cross-fenced and has a pond and a garden. It is fully ready to start raising farm animals. It even has a pool!

Only one problem. It’s a three bedroom, two and a half bath house. We have five kids and were hoping for something a bit bigger. But we went to look at it anyways.

I already knew the land was gorgeous because I had driven by it many times. Actually, just a few weeks before it went on the market, I was driving down the road and said, “Lord, I’d love to live on this street. It’s beautiful and still close to Owasso.”

So the land, check, exactly what we want. The house, well, we went to see it with an open mind.

Let's make a deal

As soon as I walked in, I had that same connection in my spirit. I knew, “This is home.” I had no idea how the three-bedroom thing was going to work out, but I knew it would.

So I went home and ran the numbers. Land is not cheap when it’s only a few miles from town. I found the number that would work for us, and it was $100,000 less than they were asking.

I tortured my mom again and asked her to put in this offer. We included a letter that explained why we were offering so much less - so we could add on to the house to fit our family.

Surprisingly, they agreed to our offer. We closed on the house this past Wednesday and will move in three weeks.

So far, so good. I didn’t really have to expand my capacity to receive on this one. The purchase price landed where I wanted it to be. We have a lot of equity in our current home. Everything was good.

My plan gets a wrinkle

And then, a few days after listing our current home for sale, I heard the spirit of God say, “Keep both houses.”

I know the Lord’s voice, and it was definitely His, but my reasoning took over in an instant.

“That’s ridiculous! Why would I keep both? That would be a bad steward. What’s our current home going to do? Just sit here? We can’t rent or Airbnb it because of HOA…”

And on and on I went until I convinced myself to dismiss what the Lord said and move on.

Our current home is in a very desirable location. It’s a great house. Everyone expected it to be under contract just a day or two after listing it. Ten days later, we had a few showings and no offers.

At this point, I was getting a bit nervous. I started looking at all our competitions, checked the MLS listing to ensure nothing was wrong and asked Beth if we should lower the price.

Quit overcomplicating things! I'm not making this hard!

After an hour or two of researching and fussing about our house not selling yet, Beth was moved by the Holy Spirit and said, “I am making this move easy for you. Stop making it difficult.”

Although the lack of showings kind of hurt my feelings, it was actually kind of nice. Can you imagine getting a house ready to show with five small kids involved? It’s something else.

And now we are not in any hurry to move. We can take some time to get the new house ready before we head that way.

My need for efficiency just doesn’t like it. I planned on closing both houses on the same day, getting the move done, and still having plenty of cash in hand.

But the Lord was saying, “Quit being in a hurry! Relax and take this at My pace and My way even when it doesn’t make sense to your feeble mind.”

The God's way/My way Yo-Yo

I submitted at the moment to this rebuke. But in the days following, I was like a yo-yo. One moment I’d say, “Let’s do what the Lord said and keep the house.” The next moment, “Let’s get this house sold asap!”

When our house had been listed for two weeks, with still no offers, I asked Beth, “What if we just keep this house as office space for me and my team? We would have gigabit internet, and I would only be a mile from home.”

Both of our eyes lit up. We had found the purpose for God wanting us to keep both houses.

I spent the rest of the day reasoning it out. Pros and cons. Running the numbers. Even after all of that, I knew it would work. Yet I continued to yo-yo for days!

Let me read to you what I wrote a week ago in my journal:

“With the house situation, what it comes down to is this: God is leading me to keep both. The door is open, and I am going to walk through it. Sure, I could find reasons not to. But God knows the future. His leading hold infinitely more wisdom than my reasoning. I am going to trust Him and do what He is leading me to do: keep both. No more reasoning and listing pros and cons. Trust and rest.”

At this point, I mostly gave up the fight. I was still tempted to reason it out but did a pretty good job letting it go.

Accessing God’s Endless Resources

Now that my fretting was over, the Lord finally had an opportunity to teach me what was really going on here.

In my morning quiet time this past Tuesday, I was led to read Ephesians 3. I’ve read this chapter more times than I can count. But I knew the Lord was going to show me something I hadn’t seen yet.

Ephesians 3 is where we find out that God’s resources are glorious and unlimited. Verse 8 tells us there are endless treasures available to us in Christ.

I’ve always interpreted that to mean “spiritual” treasures like joy and peace. But when you look up the original Greek word, you find out it means “abundance of external possessions”.

So, when it talks about the endless treasures available to us in Christ, it is talking about everything inward and outward.

The question is, how do we access this unlimited abundance? That’s what the Lord revealed to me. Take a look at verse 19:

Ephesians 3:19 NLT - May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

The word “experience” jumped out at me. In order to access the endless treasures, we must first submit to every experience of the love of Christ.

Don't reject the Experience of God's love

So often, we reject the experience Jesus tries to give us. For example, the Lord is trying to give me an experience of His love by making a way for me to keep both houses.

I have been working hard to come up with many reasons I should reject this experience of the love of Christ and the endless resources of God.

But if I reject it, I delay my ability to walk in the fullness of life and power that comes from God. I also miss my opportunity to prepare myself for the wealth transfer.

Endless wealth is fully available to us in Christ. We need to learn how to access it. And it is as simple as submitting to each experience of the love of Christ, no matter how crazy it seems to your mind.

The Lord wants to do things in your life that you can’t comprehend. If you try to reason it out, you’ll talk yourself out of it every time.

So, you have a decision to make. Are you going to settle where you’re at, where you’re comfortable, where you can understand? Or are you going to submit to each experience of the love of Christ and let Him accomplish infinitely more than you could think?

I am choosing to dive in to each experience of His love and I hope you’ll join me.

A Final Warning

After the Apostle Paul wrote about the unlimited abundance of God in Ephesians, He issues a warning about money shortly thereafter. Take a look:

Ephesians 5:5 NLT - You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.

You’ll often hear the phrase “sin is sin”. This started out pure because they were simply making the point that Jesus forgives all sin, and that’s true.

But nowhere in Scripture, Old Testament or New, will you find the phrase “sin is sin”. It is just not true. There are certain sins that will lead you back into darkness faster than anything else.

Sexual immorality being one. Greed being another. If you are greedy, you prove that Jesus is not your Lord; money is. You are worshiping things rather than worshiping God.

Greed is sneaky. It shows up to tempt you and you don’t even realize what is going on. But not anymore because I am going to help you identify it so you can reject it.

First of all, greed is not an amount of money; it’s a motive. You can be rich and greedy. You can be poor and greedy.

Greed has two primary qualities: wanting what others have and accumulating as much as you can.

Examples of greed

If you found yourself thinking, “Why does the Lord want Kade to have two houses? I don’t even have one! When’s the Lord going to do something for me?” That’s greed trying to overtake your life.

If you go to work and think, “They don’t deserve that job. I’d do it way better. I don’t understand why they got promoted and I didn’t.” That’s greed trying to overtake your life.

If the Lord leads you to do something that drains your savings account but you struggle to give up your accumulated wealth, greed is trying to overtake your life.

Greed shows up in one of two ways: wanting what others have OR accumulating and never letting go.

Reject greed. When you have thoughts like these, reject them. Don’t entertain them for one second. Tell Satan to shut up because greed will lead you to a dark place.

Here’s a pro tip: One of the best ways to overcome greed is to find some way to be generous. Every time you have a greedy thought, show it who’s boss by leaving an outrageous tip at the restaurant, or giving away one of your favorite things to a friend, or giving an extra offering here at church. Generosity kills greed every time.


Everything I talked about today can be summed up in what the Lord spoke to me this past Wednesday. Here’s how I wrote it in my journal:

“Expand your capacity to receive! Stop limiting Me with small thinking! Submit to the fact that you can’t comprehend the amount of wealth available to you in Christ. You might as well take the cap off because I am not capping it. It’s a free flow, a rushing river, an endless supply. Don’t try to store it up. Don’t stop the flow by hanging on to it. Let it flow freely because there is always more to come.”

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