A financial storm is brewing. A great wealth transfer is underway. Many will be intimidated and hide. Few will seize the opportunity and experience sharp, sudden increase.
My assignment from the Lord is to make you one of the few. Why? Because you will use this explosive multiplication to fund the great end time revival.
2025 will be marked by two words: explosive multiplication.
It will seem like it happens overnight, but we’ve been preparing for this for several years.
Many of you have lost sight of the prophetic words spoken over NoLimits Church in the last three years. But I am here to bring them back into focus.
We will not be a church that has no endurance in our faith. I refuse to allow us to be wishy-washy, getting excited about a prophecy when it is released only to mock it later on when it doesn’t come to pass within our impatient time frame.
James chapter one will be our guide.
James 1:3-8 NLT - For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.
On our way to the abundant life Jesus has promised, where we need nothing, first, our faith must be tested. Because it is only when our faith is tested that we build endurance.
Think of Abraham. As an old, old man, God told him he would be a father of many nations. Do you remember what Abraham did? He believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.
But then, his faith was tested. How was it tested? Time. Tick tock. Years go by and Abraham’s wife got impatient and came up with a novel idea.
She said, “The Lord has prevented me from having children (blaming God). Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can have children through her.”
Abraham agreed, which was a bad move. Fellas, although your wife is almost always right, there are times when you need to tell her no, especially when she tells you to sleep with another woman.
I am so thankful to report that we have learned from Abraham’s example.
God told us we would have three church locations and become the leading force in Owasso. That we would make Owasso a safe haven until Jesus returns.
God revealed that to us in January 2023. We’ve had many opportunities to try to self-fulfill the prophecy, and pressure to do so, but we didn’t.
We’re also not sitting in our prayer closet and waiting for things to happen. We are actively engaged in the process, consulting the Lord every step of the way.
If I had become prideful and given into the fleshly desire to prove to you that the prophecy is true, we’d have an Ismael on our hands right now. But, we don’t. Praise God!
Instead, we’ve been building endurance in our faith. We are actively moving towards what the Lord has spoken and trusting that it will come to pass just as He said it would.
That’s why I remind you often of the prophetic words we’ve received here at NoLimits. What the Lord speaks to us through prophecy is just as important as the written Word of God.
Some people say we don’t need prophecy because we have the written Word of God. Then others say that we don’t need the Word of God because we have the Holy Spirit.
Let me just tell you, both of those mindsets are stupid. If you have one of those, go ahead and abandon it now.
The Word of God and prophesy go hand-in-hand. They are both God speaking to us, and both agree. They are complimentary. They each have a specific purpose in our lives. We need both.
So, we are going to revisit a few prophetic words today and bring them back into focus. We are going to hone in on the financial storm that’s brewing.
There will be two sides to this storm, and I need to make sure you are on the right side.
*Released Oct 31, 2024 during NoLimits Church Communion Service
"Know this, says the Lord. I have heard your prayers and petitions. Some people think they are still in My way, but they don’t know Me yet. You will see that I am not playing chess with them, but I am clearing the chessboard. For they will see my mighty hand sweep across this nation, and they will wonder why their plans and money can’t get them what they want any longer.
Be careful and do not give credit to a single person or organization, says the Lord. For what I am about to do, only I can do.
Know this: there are times of turbulence coming. Know this: I am patiently pushing those who have not made a decision. I am pushing them off the fence so that they can make a decision. (Rev 3:16) For I do not make decisions for them. Remember that when you see them fall, I did not do that. They chose that.
But when you see the ones rise, know that I have scooped them up, and I have set them on a firm foundation, says the Lord. Cover them in prayer when you see them rise. You will know who they are. You will see it on your TV screen. Your job is not to dictate whether someone is truly saved or not, for I am the judge, says the Lord. But you do have a responsibility to pray for them.
For there is a great rebellion coming, says the Lord. There are two sides to this rebellion. Some think they walk in my ways, but when they come up to a wall, they look to the left and the right. It’s like they are in a maze and don’t know which way to go. Others approach the same wall and look up, and they smile. Meanwhile, the first group still looks left and right, confused and paralyzed.
The true righteous believers will rebel against the flood of evil coming after them. Even though they are expected to comply, they push back with great rebellion. There will be protection around them. The people pushing evil won’t be able to touch them. They can get close, but they can’t touch them because the righteous know their authority. They know the Word of God and how to use it.
In this great rebellion, the righteous will rebel against the evil. A force of believers will sweep like wildfire in all directions. Unfortunately, there will be those who rebel against that, too. But, that is not your focus. The wildfire will move right past them but will leave a black hole because no one is replaceable, says the Lord. (Matt 10:11-15)
But your job is to move continually because you must continue to reap the harvest that doesn’t rebel against you. And I need you to move fast, says the Lord, in all directions and all areas and capacities of your life. I need you to be My consuming fire because that's what you have on the inside of you.
Do not hide or hinder the gifts I have given you. Move in the gifts, says the Lord. I am with you always. Do not be in fear, for I will begin to manifest myself.
Other spirits will begin to talk to you as well because there is a demonic force that will multiply in these end times. How do you know which spirit it is? You will know, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
But know this: when that evil spirit comes after you, you must rebel against it, you must push back against it with the Word of God. (James 4:7) For Jesus showed us how to do this, three times to be exact. (Matt 4:1-11) You can do it. I am with you, says the Lord. And as the righteous take step after step together, they will do those greater works. For there are things that are not fulfilled yet, but they will be soon."
Two nights later, I had a dream that I had a dream that Oklahoma was going to have a hurricane. When I woke up in the dream, I laughed out loud. Then I looked at my phone and saw on the radar that a hurricane was heading our way. Even so, I didn't tell anyone because it seemed impossible. It was even sunny outside when it should have already been cloudy.
Shortly after, I looked outside and noticed we were in the eye of the storm. There was a circle in the sky and the clouds were spinning around it. It was amazing to look at.
Then I went in to tell everyone about the dream and prepare for the hurricane. I was in my childhood home. Joe McGee was there. I told him, and he responded, "Now you know not to ignore your dreams. Trust what God tells you in your dreams."
Then I went to tell my mom to go outside and look. As I was telling her, I saw a great wind coming towards us. I was worried I left my window down on the Infinity. But it was too late.
The wind hit the house and the whole thing began to shake. It felt like the whole house was spinning. I began to pray and declare God's protection. I commanded the house to stand firm on its foundation.
The wind lasted for less than a minute, and afterward, everything was fine. Life continued on like normal. I saw a school bus coming down the road and woke up, to my surprise, because I thought I was already awake because of the two-layer dream.
The same night, I had a dream we were in an upstairs arcade with the kids when a massive earthquake hit. I couldn't get to the kids but began to pray and declare God's protection, commanding the building to stand firm and not fall apart. It lasted less than a minute, and everything was okay.
*From August 7, 2022 during a Sunday Service at NoLimits Church
In 2022, I had a vision of a gold dust storm. It started with my wife Beth releasing a prophetic word:
“I own you. You are mine. You belong to me. Nothing can come against you in the name of Jesus. I bled for you, I died for you, and you are mine says the Lord. Nobody takes anything from Me. I have you in my hands. Nothing can come against you. I own you. You are my mine. You belong to me.”
Beth then prayed, “What do you want Lord? We are listening.”
As we stood there in awe of the thick presence of the Lord, I received the answer to Beth’s question in a vision. I saw it like a flash of light. It happened so quickly.
I saw a massive dust cloud in the distance that was rushing towards me. It looked like the images you see of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s. As it got closer, I realized it wasn’t dirt; it was gold dust.
People were running into their homes to hide from the storm. They were terrified. I was left out in the street alone trying to wrap my head around what was going on.
Then, the Holy Spirit gave me the meaning of the vision. He said, “This is great provision for my people. I need you to stand receive it and not run from it. You are the one’s that I can trust with it because your hearts are pure and your motivates are right. You will know exactly what you need to do with it.”
It wasn’t until two nights ago that I was able to tie this all together. I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep, and the Lord brought the hurricane dream and gold dust vision to my remembrance.
In my spirit, I heard a question, “What do these two things have in common?” They are both storms. Even the prophecy about the great rebellion was like a storm.
Then I asked, “How is the hurricane dream and gold dust vision about the same storm?” I heard the Lord answer, “Because, in both, you were standing firm in an intimidating storm. Both were rushing towards you like a mighty wind.”
This is a financial storm. There will be two responses to the storm. Many will run and hide. Few will stand firm and experience sharp, sudden increase.
This storm will be short-lived. However you respond to it when it shows up will determine whether you take part in explosive multiplication or not.
If you run and hide, you’ll miss out on the great provision God has for His people. But if you stand firm, you’ll take part in mind-blowing increase.
For those of us who respond correctly to this financial storm, it will be like it was for the Israelites when they left Egypt. They received a mind-blowing wealth transfer from the Egyptians.
It will happen so fast that your initial response will determine the outcome. You won’t have time to run inside, hide, find some courage, and come back out. No. If you hide, you miss it.
That’s why I’ve been telling you about the coming wealth transfer over and over for two years now. It’s why I wrote a book about it! You must be prepared to respond correctly, or you’ll miss it.
There’s no reason for you to miss it. I’ve endured the ridicule of preaching about a wealth transfer for your sake. Now, you are prepared and will know how to stand firm and receive when it shows up.
You know, people fuss at me for preaching about money. They say, “Why do you have to talk about money so much?” Do you really want to know why?
Because we are God’s storehouse. If the resources aren’t in our hands, there will be nothing to fund what God wants to do through His church.
You might think, “God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He can do whatever He wants to.” Do you know what you are doing when you say that? Using God’s Word as an excuse not to get involved.
It’s true that God’s owns everything. But it is also true that He has given us dominion over the earth. If God’s will is to be done here, then it must happen through us.
It’s His mighty power working in us to accomplish God’s will. Without His power, there’s nothing. Without our involvement, there’s nothing.
Quit using God as an excuse and start cooperating with what He wants to do on the earth. Be a conduit of His goodness. Let wealth flow through you to fund God’s work.
A financial storm is brewing. A great wealth transfer is underway.
Many will be intimidated and hide. Few will seize the opportunity and experience sharp, sudden increase.
My assignment from the Lord is to make you one of the few, and I pray that I have successfully done that today.
To seal this with the written Word of God, turn with me to Genesis 15.
Genesis 15:1 NLT - Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.”
This is God’s Word for you today. He will protect you, and He will reward you. You have nothing to fear.
Before we go, I want to give you an opportunity to give. Generosity triggers multiplication. Giving to God’s house is the best investment opportunity you have.
No one else promises you a 30, 60, or hundredfold return. You are lucky to get more than a 10% return in your IRA.
When you give to NoLimits, you make way for a future financial harvest. I know, people criticise this, but its a Biblical truth no matter what people say about it.
There’s no better way to secure your financial future than to grow in generosity. It will come back to you multiplied, guaranteed. Why? Because God set it in motion long ago.
To give by cash or check, use the offering envelope in front of you. Drop it in the donation box on the way out. You can also mail a check to PO BOX 2168, Owasso, OK 74055.
You can give online anytime by visiting nolimits.fyi